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Health Promoting Initiatives OMPI: Health & Wellness
SIU Dubai                                            

Year Name of the workshop/Seminar No. of participants Date from Date to Resource Person
2024-2025 Workshop on ‘ICMR National Ethical Guidelines 2017 & NDCTR 2019’ 369 18th February 2025 18th February 2025 1. Dr. Rajiv Yeravdekar Provost FoMHS,
2. Dr. Ravindra Ghooi, Director, Scientia Clinical Services, Pune,
3. Dr. Raman Gangakhedkar, Distinguished Prof. FoMHS, SIU
4. Dr. Aditi Apte, Senior Medical Scientist, KEM Hospital Vadu Rural Health Program, Pune,
5. Dr. Sonopant Joshi, Director, Symbiosis College of Nursing, Pune and Member Secretary, Independent Ethics Committee, SIU,
6. Dr. Sheela Upendra, Deputy Director, Symbiosis College of Nursing, Pune
2024-2025 Systematic Review Essentials: Bridging Research and Practice 17 22nd November 2024 22nd November 2024 1. Dr. Judie Arulappan, Associate Professor, College of Nursing, Sultan Qaboos University, Oman
2023-2024 Training Programme on ICMR National Ethical Guidelines 2017 and NDCT Rules 2019 216 4 September 2023 4 September 2023 1. Dr. Raman Gangakhedkar: Distinguished Professor, Faculty of Medical and Health Sciences, Symbiosis International (Deemed University), Pune & Dr. C.G. Pandit National Chair, Indian Council of Medical Research.
2. Dr. Ravindra Ghooi: Director, Scientia Clinical Services.
3. Dr. Sonopant Joshi: Director, Symbiosis College of Nursing, Pune & Member Secretary, Institutional Ethics Committee, SIU.
2023-2024 National Conference on "TechHealth: Demystify and Accept Artificail Intelligence" 253 23rd Feb 2024 23rd Feb 2024 Dr. Arun Jamkar,(Distinguished Professor, Faculty of Medical and Health Sciences, SIU),
Dr. Ketan Kotecha, (Director, Symbiosis Institute of Technology, SIU),
Dr T Dileep Kumar, (President Indian Nursing Council, New Delhi),
Dr. Raman Gangakhedkar, (Distinguished Professor, Faculty of Medical and Health Sciences , SIU),
Dr Yogesh Brahmankar, (Head, Symbiosis Centre for Entrepreneurship and Innovation, SIU),
Mr Shishir Vaidya, (National HRD Network, Pune Chapter),
Dr Bhushan Borotikar, (HoD, Symbiosis Centre for Medical Image Analysis, SIU),
Dr Shruti Patil, (Head Artificial Intelligence,Symbiosis Institute of Technology, SIU)
2023-2024 Workshop on “Integration of Simulation in Obstetrical Teaching” 71 19th Dec 2023 19th Dec 2023 Dr. Seeta Devi, Dr. Shital Pimpalekar, Ms. Payal Bhagat, Ms. Joyce Mathivanan details
2022-2023 Workshop on Simulation Based Education 140 24th Jan 2023 24th Jan 2023 Dr. Dipali Dumbre details
2022-2023 National Conference on "Application of Integrative Nursing in Clinical Practice" 322 24th Feb 2023 24th Feb 2023 Dr. Samarth Kotasthane &Team , Mr. Linto Andrews, Dr. Vinesh Nagare, Dr. Vyoma Dalal, Dr. Seeta Devi and Team, Dr. Sheela Upendra and Team, Dr. Jasneet Kaur and Team, Dr. Dipali Dumbre and team details
2022-2023 International Webinar on Nursing 2023- Carrier and fair go "Far & Beyond the Dreams 105 12th May 2023 12th May 2023 Mr. Benson Mathai, Mrs. Nisha Mohan Nair, Ms. Charlotte Jeffery , Mr. Vijesh Patel, Ms. Shruti Dabhade, Ms. Mamta Shukla Bhadauria, Mr. Hemant Chavan, Mr. Unmesh Kokadwar, Dr Girija Mahale,Dr. Ranjana Chavan details
2022-2023 Workshop on Simulation Based Education 140 24th Jan 2023 24th Jan 2023 Dr. Dipali Dumbre details
2021-2022 4th International Webinar on the Theme “ Carrier and Fair Go Far and Beyond the Dreams 9 11th May 2022 11th May 2022 Ms. Manu, Ms. Rebeeca, Ms. Glory, Ms. Sudha, Mr. Bhupendra Singh details
2021-2022 Writing a Research Proposal including the development of consent forms and ethical considerations in research including human participants 153 29/01/2022 29/01/2022 Dr Raman Gangakhedkar, Dr Shashikala Gurpur, Dr Ravindra Ghooi, Dr Sonopant Joshi details
2021-2022 Building Collaborative Research Structured Art of care and innovative Nursing Education 171 11/3/2022 12/3/2022 Dr. Ramya Satheesh, Dr. Sindhumol Nelson, Dr. Suresh Sharma, Samiksha Prem, Dr. Giriraj Soni, Dr. Farzana. Dr. Sneha Pitre details
2021-2022 SIMULATION BASED LEARNING - INTEGRATED OBSTETRICS MENTAL HEALTH CARE 206 26/05/2022 26/05/2022 Dr. Bhanap Prasad, HoD, Obstetrics and Gynaecological Department, SUHRC, Dr. Ajit Naik, Head of Department, Psychiatry, SUHRC details
2021-2022 International Webinar on Carrrer fairGo far beyond dreams 365 19/07/2021 19/07/2021 Dr. T Dilleep Kumar, D Manish Rana, Dr. Shweta Sharma, Dr. Ashok Dhaka, Mr. Vinod Raj CP details
2020-2021 Digital Epoch 149 4/2/2021 4/2/2021 Dr Dynanoba Darade, Dr Suneel Godbole, Dr Nitin Sitaram Lingayat
2020-2021 COVID19: Challenges and innovations in care of comorbidities 146 22/12/2020 22/12/2020 Dr Prabhjot Saini, Dr Indira S, Dr Vijay Natrajan details
2020-2021 Robotics - A healthcare innovation 170 4/9/2020 4/9/2020 1. Dr. Himesh Gandhi Urologist, Robotic Urological Surgeon, Ruby Hall Clinic, Pune
2. Dr. Hrushikesh Saraf Consultant Robotic Joint Replacement Surgeon, Shashwat Hospital, Pune details
2019-2020 Voice to lead- Nursing the world to health 537 12/05/2020 12/05/2020 Mr Priyen Potnis, National Director Remedium, Mr Salman Merchant, Freelancer Consultant NHS, UK, Dr Sujata S, Associate Prof, California State University USA details
2019-2020 Seminar on Skilling on Psych test- “Me and My Test” 173 30/01/2020 30/01/2020 Dr Deepika Patil, Clinical Psychologist MIMH, Pune, Dr Sharadha Rameh, Director SCON, Dr sheela Upendra, Assoc. Professor, SCON details
2019-2020 Seminar on Gender Sensitization 100 29/08/2019 29/08/2019 Dr Richa Minocha, Assoc. Prof. SSLA, Pune Dr Chinmay Pramod,Gynecologist at Umarji Mother and Child Care hospital, Pune, Prof Semanti Choudhary, SLS Pune, Dr Sharadha Ramesh, Director SCON details
2019-2020 Gender Equity and maternal health in india: Trends and Issues 131 04/12/2019 04/12/2019 Dr Uma Wankhede,Professor, BJ Medical College Pune, Dr Manika Kamthan, Assistant Prof, SLS Pune, Dr Bharati Dhorepatil, Former President, POGS, IVF Consultant Pune details
2019-2020 Research Ethics, GCP guidelines, Recent Changes & Regulations in Clinical Research 58 10/12/2019 10/12/2019 Dr Raman Gangakhedkar,Director, Infectious Disease Department, ICMR, Dr Urvashi Rathod, Director SCRI Pune, Dr Shashi Kala Gurpur, Director SLS Pune, Dr Ravindra Ghooi,Consultant Research Ethics, Dr Sharadha Ramesh, Director SCON, Dr Sonopant Joshi, Professr, SCON details
2018-19 CNE on Psychotherapies 86 12/12/2018 12/12/2018 Ms. Shubhangi Khasnis, Founder Director,Counselor,Psychotherapist & international Dance Movement Therapist, Mrs. Vaishali Vyas,Counselor,psychotherapist & Dance Movement Therapist, DMT, Dr. Sheela Upedra, Assoc. Prof, SCON details
2018-19 Workshop: CNE on Integrative management of Hypertension: A community Approach 110 08/02/2019 08/02/2019 Dr. Lyne Cloutier,Professor, University of Quebec, Ms. Shweta Kiran Todkar, University of Quebec, Dr. Sharadha Ramesh, Director SCON, Lt.Col. Shobha Naidu, Deputy Director SCON, Dr. S. G. Joshi, Professor, SCON, Ms. Jasneet K, Assistant Professor, SCON, Mr. Mangesh Jabade, Tutor SCON, Ms. Ranjana Chavan, Assistant professor, SCON details
2018-19 Workshop: CNE on Gift of Life : organ donation 94 26/02/2019 26/02/2019 Dr. Sharadha Ramesh, Director SCON, Dr. Bipin Vibhute, Consultant Organ Transpant, Sahyadhri, Pune, Dr. Manish Pathak,Consultant Organ Transpant, Sahyadhri, Pune, Mrs. Pallavi Kale, CNS, Sahyadhri , Mr. Deepak Sethi, Assitant Profesor, SCON, Mrs. Dipali Dumbre, Tutor, SCON, Mrs. Manisha Mistry, Assitant Professor, SCON details
2018-19 Workshop on Research methodology- a public Private partnership 147 29/01/2019 29/01/2019 Mrs. Rajashree Korake, Matron Sasson Hospital, Dr. Sharadha Ramesh, Director SCON, Lt. Col. Shobha Naidu,Deputy Director SCON, Dr. Sangeeta Bhujbal,Prof BJ Mursing College, Mrs. Jasneet Kaur, Asst Prof, SCON, Mrudula Phule, Professor, BJ Nursing College, Dr. S. G. Joshi, Professor, SCON, Dr. Sharvari Shukla, Direcor SSI, Pune, Dr. Urvashi Rathod, Director SCRI details
2017-18 CNE on Common error in drug administration 177 27/10/2017 27/10/2017 Dr. Shirish Gajanan Beri, MD Pharmacology, Surya Hospital, Kalpana Sawane, Assit. Prof, SCON, Dr. S.G. Joshi, Prof SCON, Mrs. Seetadevi , Asst Prof SCON details
2017-18 CNE on Critical care bundle 468 19/12/2017 19/12/2017 Dr. Sadhna Adhyapak,Prof. DY Patil University, Pune, Dr. Khalid, Consultant Shayadhri Hosptal, Mr. Dipak Sethi, Assit. Prof, SCON, Lt. Col. Shobha Naidu, Deputy Director SCON, Dr. Sheela Upendra , Assoc. Prof. SCON details
2017-18 CNE on Disaster management in Hospital set up 200 09/02/2018 09/02/2018 Mr. Naik Shailesh Aanat, Mrs. Kalpana Sawane, Dr. Sheela Upendra, Mrs. Seetadevi details
2017-18 Strengthening Midwifery services- emergency obstetrics care 450 30/03/2018 31/03/2018 Dr Gorakh Mandrupkar,Head Midecical Disorder in Pregnancy, FOGSI, Ms Bright Mary,Program Officer, JHPIEGO, Dr Charuchandra Joshi,President, FOGSI, Dr Khanindra Bhuyan,Health Specialist UNICEF, Dr Prashant Dixit, Intensivist, Howard Newborn centre, Mumbai details
2016-17 Reinforcement of Midwifery Services- Recent Advances in Maternal and Neonatal Care 550 28/11/2016 29/11/2016 Dr Anand Hinduja, Medical Simulation CAE , Pune, Dr Vijyakrishnan, Co Founder and Director , Healthy Mother wellness, Hydrabad, Dr Charuchandra Joshi,President, FOGSI, Dr Khanindra Bhuyan, Health Specialist, UNICEF, Dr Amanda Wilford, Clinical Education Manager, CAE, UK details