At its Lavale Hilltop campus in Pune, Symbiosis International (Deemed University) hosted a two-day induction ceremony for incoming Ph.D. students on November 21 and 22. The opening ceremony was graced by notable figures like Chancellor Dr. S.B. Mujumdar, Pro-Chancellor Dr. Vidya Yeravdekar, and SIU Vice-Chancellor Dr. R. Raman. Dr. Sonopant G. Joshi of SCON gave a fascinating discussion to Ph.D. students regarding the ethics committee's role in reviewing research proposals that involve human subjects.
The 21st Convocation of SYMBIOSIS INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY (Deemed University) was successfully held on 3rd September 2024. We were honored to have Smt. Droupadi Murmu, the Hon'ble President of India, as the Chief Guest, who delivered an inspiring address. Prof. (Dr.) S. B. Mujumdar, our Chancellor, presided over the ceremony at the Hilltop Campus, Lavale, Pune.
Thank you to all attendees for making the event memorable. Congratulations to our graduates—your achievements are just the beginning of a bright future!
Congratulations to all SCON graduates!
We were honored to have our esteemed founder, Prof. (Dr.) S. B. Mujumdar, and Brig. Dr. Vandana Agnihotri, Principal of AFMC College of Nursing, join us. Our XVII batch of first-year B.Sc. Nursing students proudly recited their oath and presented a beautiful song, symbolizing their commitment to the noble profession. Here’s to new beginnings and a bright future in nursing!
On this occasion, Dr. Sundeep Salvi was felicitated for being named among the top 2% scientists of the world by Stanford University.